Staff Contacts


We pride ourselves on excellent relationship with parents.  It is important to us that if parents/carers have any concerns about their child's wellbeing or learning that they contact the appropriate member of staff so that the issue can be resolved as quickly as possible.

Please email the appropriate member of staff should you require any assistance, but if you would like to speak to someone or arrange an appointment with a Head of Year, please email or telephone the school office.  Please note teachers cannot be disturbed whilst they are teaching.   

Form Tutor

For issues around home learning, general progress and behaviour.

Head of Year

Responsible for the overall progress and welfare of each child in their year group.

Subject Teacher

For concerns about a particular subject, classwork or home learning.

Head of Department

For queries about the curriculum or progress in a subject.
If you have raised a concern with the class teacher and you feel it has not been resolved.

Senior Leadership Team

For queries relating to school systems, serious issues and matters relating to staff and suggestions for improvement. 
If you have raised a concern with the Head of Year or Head of Department and you feel it has not been resolved.

SENDCO/ Learning Support Team

For any SEND concerns.

CULLUM Team For any concerns regarding a student admitted to the Cullum Centre

Pastoral Team

For any concerns relating to student welfare, wellbeing and mental health.



Senior Leadership Team

Associate Leadership Team

Subject Leads

Teaching Staff

Curriculum Support Staff

Year Leads

Pastoral Support Team

Administration Staff

Estates Team

IT Team

Learning Support
