Year 10 Information

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Year 10 Assessments - January 2025

Year 10 students will be undertaking the first of two rounds of formal summative assessments in January 2025.  

Students will be assessed in their core subjects between Monday 13 Jan and Friday 17 Jan and they will sit assessments in their option subjects between Monday 20 Jan and Friday 24 Jan. 

Assessments will take place during the course of students’ normal lessons for each subject and in students’ normal classrooms.   

Students received a copy of their assessment timetable this week and were given instructions in their assemblies on Tuesday, 26 Nov and Thursday, 28 Nov on how to read the timetable (particularly for core subjects) and how best to prepare for their assessments. Over the course of the next few weeks, tutors and subject teachers will continue to work with students on how to best prepare for these assessments, by encouraging them to devise a revision schedule, as well as instructing them on how to use retrieval strategies to revise.  Mr Grayling will continue to speak to them about this regularly throughout the course of their KS4 journey.    

Students will be assessed on knowledge and skills that they have been learning since the start of each of their GCSE courses.  Subject teachers will inform students of the relevant topics and skills that they need to revise and how best to revise for them. They will also advise them of what each of their assessments will look like or consist of; students will be given questions and activities that resemble, as far as possible, the GCSE assessment criteria but also take into consideration the fact that students are only at the start of their KS4 learning journey.  Appropriate Access Arrangements (extra time, rest breaks, use of chromebook etc.) will be provided to those students who are eligible for them.  

Following the assessment period, students will receive a mark or score for each of their assessments.  Subject teachers will return their papers to them and will go through any common or pertinent misconceptions in both knowledge and skills, highlighted by the assessment they have sat.  Students will be expected to complete an exam wrapper, alongside actioning any feed forward they have been given. The first Interim Report for Year 10 will be issued to parents on Friday 14 February; for core subjects, students will receive an overall grade and for options subjects, students will receive an overall score or mark, all emerging from assessments they have sat. For subjects with grades these will be generated by using the score or mark obtained by students in their assessments, alongside the teacher’s professional judgement of students’ progress to date.  The Interim Report will also show the Minimum Expected Grade for each subject; these are devised centrally using national data and represent the minimum grade that students’ ought to achieve or attain at the end of the Key Stage 4 journey.   Finally, two BfL grades will be awarded for each subject: one for in class engagement and one for engagement with home learning; this should give an indication of how well students prepared for their assessments. 

Thank you in advance for your support in ensuring that students are fully prepared for the above assessments so that they experience success in January.  If you have any questions or queries regarding any of your son/daughters’ assessments, please do get in touch with your child’s subject teacher or the Subject Lead for the department in question.  

Mr Grayling's Year 10 Scheduling Retrieval Video



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