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School in Action Tours for Year 5 Students
School in Action tours are designed to give prospective Year 5 parents, looking to apply for a place at Rodborough School, an opportunity to visit the school in session, observe lessons taking place, view our amazing facilities and to speak to senior members of staff.
During the morning you will pick up a feel for our school ethos and understand why we are so proud of the staff and students.
Tours are for parents and children in Year 5.
Open Evening
We have held our Open Evening for the Autumn Term. Should you wish to explore joining us, please contact Liz Crosby by emailing lcrosby@wmat.org.uk or by telephone on 01483 411100 and then choose the option for Admissions.
Please note that the closing date for applications for secondary school for entry September 2026 into Year 7 is 31st October 2025. Please ensure that you apply to your Local Authority before this date.
Prospective Parents' Information Evening
This will be an evening for Year 6 parents and carers to have the opportunity to meet our Principal and key members of staff. Our Principal, Mrs Hunston, will give a presentation and an overview of what you can expect if you choose Rodborough School for your son or daughter. Please note this is for parents and carers only.
We have held this event for the Autumn Term 2024, and the date for this evening in the Autumn Term 2025 will be released in the Spring Term 2025.
Please contact the WMAT Admissions Officer, Liz Crosby for further information and guidance by emailing lcrosby@weydonmat.co.uk or by telephone on 01483 411100 and then choose the Admissions department extension number option.