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Year 11 Information
Your child is now of the final part of their journey with us at Rodborough. This year students will make decisions regarding their steps, be it college, apprenticeships or finding employment. It is a crucial time for students and the next few months provide students with the opportunities for them to reach their potential in their final examinations and gain the qualifications they need to progress to the next stage and fulfil their ambitions. Year 11 is an important year and hopefully the Year 11 Information Evening provides you with the necessary information for you and your child on how to achieve the best outcomes in August. Resilience, hard work and dedication are key to success not just this year but for the future as well.
All key information for the year will be posted here, including exam timetables and information about the Prom.
Easter/Whitsun Revision 2025
In the final few weeks of Year 11, the school organises a number of additional opportunities to help pupils achieve the grades they need for the next stage of their education. In addition to the core programme of activities such as after school revision sessions and the targeted mentoring and support programme. We run a number of revision classes at Easter and Whitsun in most subjects which are optional and for which a fee is charged.
Places at the Easter and Whitsun sessions are offered on a first come first served basis, if your child would like to be involved, please complete the application form here no later than Friday 7 March 2025. Once we have allocated places we will confirm these in writing and payment will be requested via Arborpay. The link to Arborpay is on the front page of our school website. If you have not received your log-on details please email info@rodborough.surrey.sch.uk.
Each two hourly session will cost £15.00. Students are welcome to attend more than one session on any chosen day. If you are unable to meet the cost of courses and would like your child to attend, please contact Mr C Williams, Vice Principal, to see if the school can help. Please note that the school’s canteen facilities will not be open so pupils will need to bring their own refreshments. Students do not need to attend revision sessions in school uniform, however it should be noted that exemplary behaviour is expected. Students who disrupt the learning of others will be sent home.
In previous years Charterhouse have offered a number of free revision sessions. We have been advised that these will not be offered this year.
GCSE Exam Information 2024-2025
Retrieval and Practice Sessions - Spring Term 2025
Home Learning Timetable 2024/2025
Extra Curricular Clubs
More information here
College, Apprenticeships and UCAS Information
Further information here
BfL Criteria
Click here