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Careers Programme Information
Careers education is delivered to all year groups through the PSHE curriculum. Teachers of other subjects take the opportunity, when appropriate, to outline different careers pertinent to topics of study.
The Careers and Future Planning page contains links to a wealth of additional information including apprenticeship opportunities, university and college open days and careers websites. Students use tools including the Careerometer and Skillsometer termly to reinforce their career theme:
- Year 7 - The World of Work.
- Year 8 - Career Pathways
- Year 9 - Options
- Year 10 - Finances and Earning Potential
- Year 11 - Next Steps
Topical opportunities, including webinars and virtual work experience in different sectors are regularly published in our weekly newsletter.
All Year 9 students visit a careers fair to gain an insight into the requirements of different careers before making their options choices for Key Stage 4.
All students in Year 10 undertake a week of work experience during the summer term. The range of experiences is impressive. Recent placements have included a week-long residential with the Army, teaching adults to cook, drawing up architectural plans, creating advertising campaigns and expressing their creativity at a dog grooming practice.
Representatives from our local colleges frequently visit school to speak to our Key Stage 4 students about a wide range of opportunities for post-16 education, including A levels, T levels, Apprenticeships and GCSEs.
A business theme is planned for this year’s Activities Week for Year 10 who will take part in Surrey SATRO practical careers-based challenge, where teams compete to design, market and manufacture goods and make the highest return on their investments.
They will also be able to gain valuable interview practice by applying for a job of their choice and being interviewed by a member of our local business community (can your business help?).
There will also be opportunity for our Year 10s to look into the world of apprenticeships and university education in further depth by attending question and answer sessions hosted by representatives from these sectors.
Further hands-on activities are planned for years 7-9, based around practical STEM activities focussed on Careers.
Some students choose vocational subjects as part of their subject options for Key Stage 4 and these frequently help those students to transfer to vocational post-16 learning including apprenticeships.
We are supported by the Surrey Careers Service, Innervate. Their specialist advisors are available to parents at key moments e.g. Options Evenings and Year 9, 10 and 11 Parents evenings.
All Year 11 students have the opportunity to speak to the careers advisor for help in choosing an appropriate post-16 course.
We are always looking for innovative ways to excite and inform our students about possible career paths and were privileged this year to welcome a professional musician for a masterclass and question and answer session with our musical students from across the year groups. If you have a skill that you could share with our students please do get in touch.
We continue to concentrate on providing specialist opportunities to targeted small groups. Placements this year have included motor mechanics, carpentry and metalwork, horticulture and hair and beauty. It was particularly pleasing to witness a carpentry student take his pieces along to a successful apprenticeship interview.
A small number of our Year 10 students are currently engaged on a Business Mentoring Programme where they benefit from the support of a member of our local business community for 1:1 mentoring sessions.
How does the school measure/assess the impact of the Careers Programme.
The effectiveness of our Careers Programme is measured termly against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We are supported through this process by the Surrey Careers Service.
Date of the next review of published information.
Published information is reviewed termly, following the completion of the Gatsby report.